Welcome to our website!

Situated right in the heart of Histon, we are a lively growing church serving both north Cambridge and the surrounding area, as well as the village itself. You can see a map here - there are ample parking facilities nearby.

We are part of the Cambridge Methodist Circuit and have good ecumenical relationships with local churches of other denominations. We are also very actively involved with a wide variety of community activities.

Latest news and updates

February 2018 Newsletter and Minister’s Message

Our February newsletter is now available. Please click here to download the PDF.

Minister’s Message

The Roost is an event I lead at the Cottenham Community Centre Coffee Shop on the third Sunday of every month, usually from 3-4:30pm. It is a mixture of arts, crafts, games, music, videos, poetry, and more, plus coffee, cake and conversation about life and faith.
During our January session, for example, we considered the melancholy or depression that people often feel during the darker, colder winter months. We listened to some of the saddest songs of all time, read and wrote poetry, looked at some Psalms of Lament, and created crafts to remind us that we are offered shelter beneath God’s wings. We also made and camped in an enormous Den which represented the refuge that can be found in family and community at their best, and that God also offers to all who seek it. (more…)

121st Church Anniversary – Rev’d Dr Brian Beck

This morning, Rev’d Dr Brian Beck invited us to reflect on the life and legacy one of our church’s founding fathers, Richard Matthews, and what it might mean for us as we continue to worship in the building named for him, the Matthews Memorial Chapel. You can listen to his message using the player below, or click here to download the MP3.