You can now download our June newsletter. Click here to download it in Microsoft Word format, or click here for it as a PDF.

Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,
May has certainly been a busy month. The election has been and gone, so now a new government is being formed. Our leaders will certainly need our prayers. The problems we face and the challenges and opportunities before us will need a great deal of wisdom and insight, and we pray they will be given the guidance needed as they lead us forward.

We have also been greatly concerned about the situation in Nepal, a poor country that has suffered enormous devastation caused by two major earthquakes. I was very impressed by the immediate and enthusiastic response of our church annual general meeting, to the suggestion that, on the two Sundays following the first quake, we have a retiring collection for Christian Aid earmarked for Nepal. I am deeply grateful to the congregation for their generous support of this very worthy cause, and also for donations given for All We Can, the new name for the Methodist Relief and Development Fund. This is a practical demonstration that living faith involves faithful living. As Christians, and indeed responsible humans, we are called to put love into action by helping to meet the needs of those facing such terrible situations. Please pray for Nepal, and all those involved in the relief efforts there.

For the past few years we have been concerned to refurbish and develop our premises so that we can be more effective in our mission and ministry to the local community. Because of the fatal illness of our architect, preparations had slowed down of late, but new architects have now been appointed, plans are being revised, and we are actively fund raising again. Indeed we hope that building work will commence at the end of this year, or early in 2016. We are therefore grateful to those who generously gave to our annual Gift Day Appeal, which was linked with the AGM. Thanks also to all those involved with the Yard Sale on 16th May, which also raised a considerable sum for this worthwhile cause.

The next big event in aid of the Development Fund will be an afternoon Garden Party on Saturday 13th June at our home. (Old Ness Farm, Ness Rd., Burwell, CB25 0DB) Transport will be organized. Full details will be found in this newsletter and announced at Sunday services. We hope you will be able to join us for what promises to be a very happy occasion.

Good things are happening in this growing church, and we move forward with prayer, and with faith and hope, as we face the exciting future that awaits us.

With all good wishes,
Your friend and minister,
Peter C. Graves.

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