We are well into the Christmas season now, and we have a large number of events leading up to and around Christmas. All the details can be found in our event calendar (click here to see an overview for December), but some highlights are listed below:

  • As well as our regular community coffee shops, we have an open morning on Saturday 19th, when the church will be fully decorated for Christmas.
  • On the 9th and 16th of December we will be hosting afternoon concerts. Both will start at 2pm and are free (with a retiring collection for the church development fund). Please see the events calendar for full details.
  • Our Carols by Candlelight service is at 4:30pm on Saturday 20th. This is always a wonderful occasion, and will be followed by tea, coffee and mince pies in the hall.
  • We will be joining other churches in Histon for a Christmas Day service at the Salvation Army on Impington Lane, and there will be an all-ages Christmas Sunday Worship on Sunday 27th, led by our minister Revd Simon Oliver.

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