Our June newsletter is now available in PDF and Word format. This is the last newsletter for which Jenny is editor; Chris Whitworth, our webmaster, will be taking over the editorship so please pass on all content for the newsletter to him, or you can email any newsletter submissions to newsletter@histonmethodist.org.
Minister’s Message
As I sit typing in a moment of relative calm in our Community Coffee Shop, enjoying a gingerbread aeroplane and a filter coffee, braced for the imminent arrival of babies, toddlers, mums, dads, and our many other regulars of all ages, shapes and sizes, it occurs to me that it has been a very full couple of months in the life of the church. We have celebrated Easter, Ascension and Pentecost; the fullness of the expression of Christian faith. We have experienced the joy and excitement of christenings and the sadness and loss of funerals, of saying farewell to beloved members and friends. We’ve had quizzes and yard sales. A number of you kindly stepped in to do numerous extra tasks whilst I was off sick last month. And we’ve continued to do all those things we always do; exploring creative ways of worshiping God and exploring faith; serving the local retirement homes; and those countless ‘unseen’ actions and prayers, exercising genuine hospitality in caring for one another and seeking to care for those in our wider community.
Jesus said “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” And it seems like he wasn’t joking!
And the next few months promise to be just as full.
As well as all our usual activities, we are looking to develop a mid-week lunch time Toddler group as part of our hospitality and ministry in the community. (Please see separate notice in the newsletter for more info.)
And we are getting ever closer to the prospect of our development scheme taking off. It is such an incredible opportunity for us to build upon the many good things we already do, and to see where God might be leading us next, to experience more of the fullness of life which Jesus promises.
Please continue to pray, to give generously, to get involved, and to support the tireless work of the Development Committee, the members of which have all devoted countless hours over many months and years to this exciting endeavour. You wouldn’t believe how much hard graft, brain power and prayer goes into this, and I feel very grateful to be part of a church which has people so committed to such a project.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Jenny for whom this Newsletter will be her last as editor. I – along with everyone else I’m sure! – am very thankful for all she has done over many, many years.
As I finish typing, the joyful noise of children enjoying themselves and the friendly chatter of friends old and new now fills our back hall… Jesus came to bring life in all its fullness, and what a privilege it is to share in that fullness, in all that we do at Church and in our local community, both today, and in the months and years to come…