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Minister’s Message

I recently came across the poem “Kenosis” by Luci Shaw in Malcolm Guite’s excellent Advent book ‘Waiting On The Word: a poem a day for Advent, Christmas and Ephiphany’. You can read more about it and hear Malcolm reading the poem here.

For me, this poem captures something about the fragile hope of Advent and the Incarnation of God in Jesus, about just how vulnerable God became in order to dwell with us, encounter us, to enter into our joys and our sufferings, and to bring reconciliation with all of humanity and creation.

Can it really be that the God of all the universe was this small, this needy, this weak, this reliant on the love and care of another? We also see in the poem, intimations of what is to come in Jesus’ life, ministry and death. Can it really be that the God of all the universe would go through that for us? It is our Christian Hope that – yes! – God would!

And, in response to such a God, we continue to wait, we continue to celebrate and we continue to commit to following Jesus during Advent, Christmas and our annual Covenant Service on 8th January.

Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and a happy new year…



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