Minister’s Message
Dear Friends,
I don’t know about you, but I’m very excited about the Quilt and Flower Festival which is taking place at Histon Methodist Church during the first bank holiday weekend in May.
It’s going to be an amazing experience and showcase the talent of so many people. I strongly encourage you to come and support us—and an enormous thank-you to all the people who have helped make this happen and for the thousands of hours of work you’ve put into it!
That Sunday (5th May) we will be worshipping as one community at Castle Street Methodist Church where we will be welcoming one of our students Izzy into membership and confirming her. Please do join me in praying for her as she prepares for this. May is a busy month and includes Christian Aid Week. There will be opportunities to support his fantastic charity, so do look out for envelopes and give generously:
Castle Street will be having a Christian Aid service on 12th May. And around the corner in June, we will be remembering the work of Methodist Homes for the Aged, and there will be opportunities to support this great charity as well. May is also a sad month for the Circuit as, at the end of April, we said goodbye to Miriam Webb who has served as the Circuit administrator for 9 wonderful years. She moves to a job a bit closer to home but she will be sorely missed by the whole circuit. She had a leaving and farewell at the end of April and both Churches were represented and gave donations towards her leaving present.
Please do pray for her as she moves roles. This does leave a big hole in the life of the Circuit and
if God is calling you to apply to be the next Circuit Administrator, do send Superintendent Minister
Rose Westwood an email. If you know of anyone who would be interested, do speak to myself, a steward or any minister.
Thank you to everyone who has been praying for myself and Paul as we get used to this new way of
living. He’s got a few days off towards the end of May and so I look forward to seeing him and spending some time with him.
If I’m not as available as usual, I hope you understand why! Paul has passed the first two set of exams on the A320 and is progressing nicely with his
qualification—he sends his love and best wishes.
With love and prayer
Rev Jenny