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Minister’s Message

As I type, we are in the midst of June’s epic heatwave. The temperature in my office has tipped over 32C. It is extremely humid. Despite every window and door being open, there is nothing so much as resembling a breeze! And the air conditioning on my car has broken! As someone who is sun-averse at the best of times, I am finding it close-to-unbearable; what I would really like to do is hibernate until autumn. Or crawl into one of those ice baths that professional sportspeople get into after a hard workout! Alas, neither are really possible as I’ve got meetings to attend, people to meet, newsletter articles to write, events to organise—as well as the usual household tasks and family responsibilities which of course need attending to, and which won’t wait until things cool down. The cumulative effect of the heat plus everything I need to get done means that I end up being very hot, bothered and grumpy! It also leaves me short tempered and intolerant of others around me, and not as patient or kind as I ought to be.

As we at Histon Methodist remain tantalisingly close to our new building, we enter another month of Sunday morning worship in the hall. There have actually been lots of positive aspects to worshipping in a different space. But it is not an ideal situation, presenting various logistical problems and there is the potential for some (or all!) of us to be getting a somewhat fed up and impatient.

With that all that in mind I have had Paul’s words to the Ephesians running around my head these last few days, particular the line about bearing with one another in love:

“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.  Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

And so I want to encourage us all to continue to bear with one another in love during the coming weeks and months, as we continue to pray for and work towards this exciting next stage in the ministry of this church.

And on behalf of all of us who benefit from their efforts, I also want to thank the stewards and many others for their ongoing efforts in the setting up and packing down of the back hall for worship, and to Naomi and her emerging team of helpers as they develop our new Sunday Club and Families Corner. Simon

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