As there will be a Feast Festival in the High Street again this year, we will be serving refreshments from 12.30pm until 3pm. This is an opportunity for us to be involved in the community. There will be no coffee
Yard Sale: Saturday 16th May
We are holding our annual yard sale on Saturday 16th May from 9:30am. Tea, coffee and cakes will also be sold. Items to sell, bric-a-brac, books, toys, etc. can be left in the church during the week before the sale.
Quiz evening
We are holding another quiz evening on Friday 6 March at 7pm. Cost £8 per person to include substantial refreshments. Teams of up to 8 people, or you can join a team on the night. Tickets from the community coffee
Disciple Bible Course
This 34-week course enables participants to study the Bible in some depth. Much of the learning takes place in small discussion groups and the teaching is clearly related to contemporary issues. A new course will take place in our church
Circuit Worship and Singing The Faith day
The response to the Circuit Singing the Faith day has been overwhelming, and is now fully booked with over 100 registered participants. Thank you to everyone who has registered! However, if you’ve missed out, you can still join in with a
Preaching series: The Lord’s Prayer
During the period leading up to Easter, we will be having a series of sermons on The Lord’s Prayer. You can find a list of all the services in this series in our diary.